Oh heeeeeeey and welcome back to Alice Adores Apparel! Yep it's that time again where I post another installment of my Amsterdam Adventure. I hope you are enjoying this series of posts. If you haven't read the previous posts check them out here.
One of my favourite things to do in this city is to just go out solo exploring. I love walking through all the busy streets with music in my ears and my camera in hand. I always think the best way to find out about a place is to get lost in it. You come across the most interesting places to eat and drink when you have no specific destination.
This quotation is found on the corner of Ruydaelstraat and Albert Cuypstraat. Seems strange to have a quote from a British Tory politician on the wall of a hotel in Amsterdam but I love the sentiment. It's definitely a philosophy everyone should live by when visiting somewhere new. It's not always about the things you do, but what the things you do bring you.
Anywaaaaay moving away from the sentimental mush...
Anywaaaaay moving away from the sentimental mush...
If you are anywhere near Haarlemmerstraat, not far from Central Station, I really recommend checking out Jay's Juices. They make super fresh juices (no shit Sherlock!) and smoothies with an impressive menu. The staff there are helpful and incredibly friendly (which unfortunately a rarity in this city).
I can't quite remember but I think I got the Moonlight Juice. |
Another place I cannot recommend enough is Metropolitain (The Pastry Room) confectioner located on Warmoesstraat, near Dam square. Filled with artisan chocolate, ice cream, fresh cakes & desserts, this place is a must go for a tasty treat! If you don't try the passion fruit macaroons, you are missing out completely!
Unfortunately these macaroons got a little battered in my handbag! The purple is passionfruit, the pink is raspberry, and the black is vanilla. |
The Condomerie is a lesser know tourist attraction just down the road from Metropolitan. What is The Condomerie I hear you cry? Well it's literally a store stocked floor to ceiling with condoms of all shapes, colours, sizes and flavours! They even offer a bespoke condom service where you can measure your manhood and have custom made condoms shipped straight to your door!
Amsterdam is an incredible city at night. The canals look magical! |
This last picture is from my very first Sunday Roast. I made it all by myself for some of my colleagues. Considering I only started eating meat in January after over 10 years of being a pescetarian, I think I did pretty well! The chicken was good but waaaaaay too small! There were some very hungry boys at the table that definitely needed more protein!
Well that wraps up my latest Amsterdam post. Keep checking back for the next instalment of my Amsterdam adventure! I have ALOT of backed up posts so there is plenty more to come! It's just difficult right now trying to balance my blog with work, exams, & life.
If you have any suggestions of where to go and what to do in Amsterdam, leave me a comment below!


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