Welcome back to Alice Adores Apparel, and to the next installment of Baking The Bake Off. Apologies this post is a little later than usual but it took so long to bake and edit!
The Great British Bake Off episode two saw the return of biscuit week. The Signature Bake was an explosion of different flavoured biscotti- personally not my favourite biscuit but a worthy adversary for the amateur bakers with a two step baking process. The Technical Challenge saw the bakers tackle Paul's recipe for arlettes- light puff pastry spirals of cinnamon yumminess. The Showstopper challenge was one of my favourites so far on Bake Off, biscuits in box made of biscuit! My favourite was Flora's Tea box with Honey & Earl Grey biscuits. Shame about the crack in the lid but the piping looked incredible!
After tackling the Technical Challenge last week, this week I wanted to tackle the Showstopper Challenge, biscuits in a biscuit box. I opted to make a gingerbread box using a BBC food recipe and Marie's royal icing recipe. Inside I stashed Baking Mad's rose macaroons filled with white chocolate ganache and homemade jam from the strawberries in my mum's garden.
I can't lie, this bake nearly killed me. There were so many different steps that it ended up taking me two days to finish! I have no idea how the bakers were able to pull off their showstoppers in the limited time they were given. I feel Alvin's pain when he wasn't able to present Paul & Mary with a finished biscuit box! However, my bake went down a storm when I took it into work on Tuesday, and that's all that matters really! So enjoy my post and check out the recipes if you want to try to recreate it!

I hope you enjoyed my post. My next instalment will be up in a couple of days. As I'm typing this my attempt at bread week is cooling in my kitchen!
Thanks very much for checking out my blog! I'm baking along for the whole series for GBBO so follow my escapades here each week. If you want to check out last week's bake, click the pic below. You can also check out my posts from last year too!

Last week's post:

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